
Sunday, January 21, 2007

I am Old!!!

So its official, I am old. I turned 30 this past year and i think that there is something about 30 that changes you. i don't seem to heal as fast as I did before. While I was away traveling I didn't eat 3 meals a day. 5 years ago if someone told me that I might have to skip a meal I would have freaked out! Skip a meal!!! No way! But in Kenya i would have one meal and sometimes two but it just wasn't a big deal. So since I have been back my body is trying to adjust to eatting so much food. Things aren't going so well. Since thursday night my stomach has been in knots. If you see me and I have a funny looking face you might want to stir clear if you know what I mean. So today we went to play football after church, and I haven't done anything active other than alot of walking since before Christmas. So going to excersize, while it was good for me, has sent my body into some weird shock. I have the weirdest feeling all over, my stomach is seriously hurting, I am feeling sore already...not good. So I am writing this on my blog because I am making a verbal committment to healthy living choices. You guys have heard it first!!! No more fried foods, only stuff that is good for me, because I am getting old and i don't like this feeling or smell. haha

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