
Saturday, February 12, 2005


Just in case you missed the game Wednesday night, Duke beat n.carolina 71-70. So all is not loss when it comes to sports for Mr. Dudley. And Singleton is right...the Eagles will be back next year and they will win the superbowl. Speaking of sports, i have never been the guy that knows everything about every team and every player in every sport. As a kid, i did know everything about every team and every player in basketball...but not basketball, football, baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, hockey, horse racing, nascar, etc etc etc. However, I have always been the guy who just loves to play sports. I LOVE playing sports, games, i just love to play. If there is ever 5 mins to kill, I am the guy who breaks out the hackey sack or folds up a piece of paper into a tiny football. I don't know what it is about playing that I enjoy so much. I am pretty competative, but I am not that person who will get into a fight in a church league basketball game. I am pretty good at most sports, but i never won any mvp awards. This past weekend I lead a Dnow in Amarillo and we talked about our "thing". The thing that we are passionate about, that gets us fired up. Then we talked about how God is the source of this passion and this desire. And as I started to think about this for myself along with the students i realized that for me right now in life...my thing is sports again. As a kid it was sports, then it became music, then it became surfing (which techically is a sport) and now it is back to sports. I have realized that I am way more excited about the superbowl than finding the next great band. I have started playing alot of soccer again and couldn't be happier. I am on an indoor team with my brother in law and Kyle and a few other guys. I only got to play in one game because i was sick last week...but it was a blast. I am signing up for a softball league soon and will start playing softball. I just love getting to spend time with people and I enjoy doing things and being active, so sports is a natural fit. So this blog started out as a congrats to DUKE and turned into a Ben is a sports nut kinda thing...but its all good. I will say this as the last thing, I am looking for someone to play me in some table tennis. We played at dnow and all the seniors played all weekend. i held off until we had a tournament. I swept the tournament and skunked two players. I forgot just how much fun ping pong is and want to play somemore. Any takers???

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Where have you been Ben?

Not sure what to say...took the month off from the blog. I didn't intend on doing so, just got busy and didn't have any pressing need to write. Let's see, where do i start? I guess we can start with the Superbowl...it was a great game and that is all you can ask for. I wish that Donovan had played better and the way the clock was managed at the end makes you think that the whole thing is rigged. There is no excuse for the way they let the time go by. It doesn't make since. If i were a coach for a pro sports team, i would hire an assistant coach of television. I would have this coach watch the game on tv and let me know what the announcer's are saying, because if the eagles had done that they would know how dumb they managed the clock at the end. Oh well, I am guarnanteeing that they will be back next year in the superbowl. If they don't make it back I will shave my beard! You can hold me to that.

So I have been sick all week, pretty exciting. My head feels like a truck is sitting on it. Being sick is no fun. I got sick when I got back from Amarillo's DNOW. THis is the first time I did a dnow in a really long time. It was pretty fun. I had the seniors. Seniors are cool!

We are getting ready for our mission trip to florida. we are taking 23 people to gulf breeze to do hurricane relief work. It should be alot of fun and alot of work at the same time. It will be the first time we have gone back to Gulf breeze in 2 years. It will be weird seeing it all destroyed from the hurricane.
Ok...my head hurts and so i am going to stop typing now...
cheers, ben

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